Innovative work- semester 4
Innovative work is an important work assigned to the student-teachers as part of their B.Ed. Course. This work aims at equipping future teachers to transact the learning materials and experiences innovatively and creatively to ensure the active participation of learners in the learning process by arousing interest in them. Innovation can be broadly thought of as new ideas, new ways of looking at things, new methods or products that have value. Innovation contains the idea of output, of actually producing or doing something differently, making something happen, or implementing something new. Innovation almost always involves hard work; persistence and perseverance are necessary as many good ideas never get followed through and developed.
As part of my Innovative work assignments, I have created a Self Learning Material for the students.The present material is a Self-help Learning material to learn the topic 'Origin of names of elements' from the unit 'Basic Constituents of Matter' in the standard 8 chemistry text book. This innovative work is a short book that contains the origi of names of elements based on country, continent, colour, scientists, satellite, planet etc. Also I have mentioned the symbols of various elements. The students can use this material for revising the topic.